In most circumstances, selling your house on the real estate market can be a complicated and daunting process. Real Estate agents might advise you to have the buyer worry about the home inspection because they will pay for it, but is that beneficial to the seller? Not necessarily.
Having a pre-inspection done by a home inspector, can put you the seller in control of your asking price. If you know ahead of time what discrepancies or “deficiencies” could be found on the home inspection, then you are able to anticipate the worth of your home and how much it will go for on the market. This pre-listing inspection process can cover you against a renegotiation of the asking price or the buyer trying to back out of the sale due to unseen property issues.
This is where having an inspector on your side who specializes in the home inspections will save you money. An inspector can come into your house and go through a rigorous, detailed inspection of your property and discover any problems that might cost you money from a potential buyer.
As a seller you want to be prepared for any complications in the sale of your home. Give yourself peace of mind and cover your home sale with a pre-listing inspection.
If you are in the Lebanon, VA area or live in Southwest Virginia, contact Virginia Home Inspections. Let the home inspection experts handle your home’s inspection and get started selling your home worry free.